Saint-Petersburg State University

Saint-Petersburg State University (SPbSU) is the oldest university in Russia, provides diverse research and educational opportunities, with 17 research Institutes and 24 different Schools. SPbSU is one of the two major governmental academic institutes which are supported and managed directly from the Russian government. Over 25,000 students and 2,000 PhD students have enrolled annually. Faculty includes more than 6,000 professors and lecturers. The SPbSU was the first in Russia to sign the Bologna declaration more than a decade ago and since then it has advanced well in three-level education and implementation of the ECTS. SPbSU rapidly develops international cooperation in the multidisciplinary neuroscience research and education including cognitive psychology, neurobiology, epigenetics and medicine through a number of programs of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to attract internationally renowned scientists and to establish research centers of excellence including two labs established at Psychology School – the Lab of Behavioural Neurodynamics and the Lab of Multidisciplinary Research on Childhood Development, the Project in Genome Bioinformatics and Comparative Genetics, Institute of Translational Medicine. One of the important aspects of SPbSU is the strategy of development of own scientific resource centers (, especially in biomedicine and neuroscience cluster. All SPbSU resources including the variety of infrastructure and research equipment, electronic databases repository, libraries, data analysis, management, and professional support services are available for the iBrain project. 
