Erasmus Days

erasmus days

iBrain Cognitive Neuroscience Direct track miniSymposium

The iBrain Symposium will include project presentations, consortium partner presentations, a keynote seminar from Prof. Hilke Plassman (INSEAD France) on cognitive neuroeconomics and a round table discussion.

IBRAIN is an academic network of leading HEIs in neuroscience and behavioural sciences with a particular focus on cognitive, neuroimaging and modelling applications aiming at building up Master’s-Doctoral tracks to increase the effectiveness of three-level education in the Russian Federation and India. Partner HEIs will develop Master’s-Doctoral tracks in Cognitive Sciences (Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg State University, and the University of Hyderabad) and enhance the doctoral curriculum by cognitive psychology and neuroscience at Institute for Higher Nervous Activity, Moscow Russia and Birla Institute for Science and Technology (Goa India). The process of upgrading the curriculum is sustained by leading EU experts in Cognitive Neurotechnologies at Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris France, Aarhus University Denmark, and Northumbria University UK as well as several industrial consortium partners. Participants of the project, both at the trainee and faculty level, have access to a rich programme of seminars, symposia, research internships and training visits to support their training and professional capacity development



10.30 – 11.00

About iBrain project. Presentation of coordinator.

Gutkin Boris (ENS)

11.00 – 12.00

Lecture of invited speaker Hilke Plassmann "Quantifying the value of
fMRI data in the prediction of success of new products"

Abstract: We propose a novel method to predict new product sales by combining retailer data about competitors with information from representative surveys and functional magnetic resonance imaging. We forecast the sales of innovative products before launch and quantify the added value of each information source in terms of prediction


12.10 – 12.30

Presentations of Indian partners. New curriculum

University of Hyderabad

Ramesh Mishra

Birla Institute of Technology & Science Society

Veeky Baths

12.30 – 13.00

Presentations of industrial partners

LLC AF Communication (Agency FUSION)

Moiseeva Irina

JSC Neurotrend

Klyuchnikov Valeriy

13.00 – 13.30

Presentations of Russian partners. New curriculum

Saint Petersburg State University

Blagoveshenskiy Evgeniy

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity

Martynova Olga

Higher School of Economics

Shestakova Anna

13.30 – 13.50

Presentations of EU partners

Northumbria University

Myachikov Andriy

Aarhus University

Shyrov Yury

14.00 – 14.30

Common discussion